Why You Still Don’t Know What You Want to be When You Grow Up

I’m amazed when I hear people say they always knew what they wanted to be when they grow up. Some say it’s a calling, while others discover a profession and decide it’s for them. The careers they choose are firefighters, police officers, nurses, doctors, and teachers. I’m not like that, what’s wrong with me, and then I heard the word multipotentialite. Multipotentialwho?

When I Grow Up

Ask a child what they want to be and they will give you an answer. Growing up I wasn’t aware or had a calling for anything in particular. I idolized my father so I went into the field of science; majoring in chemistry.

Ask me today what I want to be when I grow up and I will say, I don’t know. Who goes through life and doesn’t know what they want to do.

TED Talks

TED Talks are amazing videos of top experts sharing their knowledge in 15 minutes. The topics range from business, health, technology, language, and more. One of the talks described me, revealing why I can’t define my calling.

By chance, I clicked on a TED Talk given by Emilie Wapnick, an award-winning author and artist. That’s where I heard the word, multipotentialite.

Don’t Know What to Be When I Grow Up

Multipotentialite, “a person with many interests and pursuits.”

I understand how Emilie arrived at the term by reading her bio: a musician/songwriter, web designer, filmmaker, writer, and entrepreneur who, as she states, moves “from interest to interest, building on my skills in different areas, and synthesizing the knowledge I acquire along the way.” Clearly, she knows what she’s talking about.

Emilie breaks down the meaning of multipotentialite; a person who takes two or more ideas and creates from it; learns quickly and applies it to the next project and; is adaptable to any situation. She explains that these people can’t answer the question, what do I want to be when I grow up because they have too many interests. That’s me, I work on something and proceed to lose interest.

What I Want to be When I Grow Up

Then writing materialized and I found a fit. Writing involves components I’m interested in: reading, learning, researching, put it down on paper. When I write I feel like this is what I should be doing, not feel guilty I should be doing something else. The components of writing fulfill my need to create, learn, apply it, and adapt to change.

I no longer wonder what’s wrong with me since I can’t describe or realize my path since it’s always changing.  Not knowing where or what I will be doing in six months is what makes fits me. Want to know what I want to be when I grow up? What I am right now, a multipotentialite.

Why Don’t You Know What Crib Means

What do you think of when I use the word crib? Did you think a baby’s bed or a place to live in urban slang? Standing alone it’s hard to determine. The words that lead up to and are after in a sentence make it possible for you to grasp the meaning for crib. What do you think of when I say stroke?

That’s the power of language. Words, put together, make communication possible. It’s the essence of how people interact, whether spoken or written.

An Example – Game Shows

Game shows use this as the basis of how they work. Think of the show the $25,000 Pyramid. One teammate tries to get the other to say a word by describing that word. This is the same idea as speaking a word without context except in reverse. What makes it difficult is words can have more than one definition and not every person knows the same definition. This involves the teammate giving different meanings as clues to help their partner guess the right word.

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Quotes That Make You Think for Yourself

Delighted, I stumbled across Steven Yates article on”Quotes That Make you Think for Yourself,” His message is spot on to what I tout in my blog, and in my book, “Who’s Changing the Meaning?”

Yates wrote language is a tool used to steer people in certain directions. Consequently, those who understand how to utilize language to their advantage are doing exactly that. They are taking control by way of their words.

The philosopher’s quotes Yates sites demonstrate how language is can be a weapon. However, once aware, you recognize when it is being used on you. His article explores what we can control and what we need to be aware of.

5 Quotes From Major Philosophers Guaranteed to Make you Think

Classic Books Address Humanity’s Future

The classic books, Atlas Shrugged and Brave New World, about humanity’s future, are great reads while under mandatory stay-at-home directives. We never thought our life would be like it is today, which makes both novels relevant for right now. They address humanity’s future. Atlas Shrugged is about human greatness, and the havoc several great men and women have to struggle with. Brave New World provides a look at a darkly satiric vision of the future that is both enthralling and terrifying.

Buy Atlas Shrugged on amazon.com

Buy Brave New Word on amazon.com

What Someone Else’s Sickness Costs You

It’s disturbing witnessing the number of people out and about who show signs of the flu. They cough, sneeze and look like they have been run over by a train, still in the contagious stage. It’s not just the adults. A parent will be shopping with their child who’s wiping his nose, has a fever and coughs like it is coming straight out of his chest. Along with that, the child picks up everything in sight.

Why do they think this is acceptable! Today people have the attitude of taking care of themselves, not think about the effect on others. In the end, it hurts them too.

Influenza, (also known as the “flu”) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. Common symptoms are: comes on quickly, fever, aches, chills, fatigue, cough, headache, sometimes along with sneezing, stuffy nose, and sore throat.


The CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 9.7 million flu illnesses, 87,000 hospitalizations and 4,800 deaths from flu. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This year, influenza B is predominant. The strain affects children more than adults. Usually, the season starts with influenza A, which affects older adults more than children.  With influenza B, the result is more cases of child flu and fewer cases of elderly adults.

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I Kept My New Year’s Resolution

How I Kept My Resolution

It’s that time to make a New Year’s resolution again! The dawn of a new year brings about the desire to start fresh, begin again, and bring about changes in our lives. At the onset, we reflect on what we accomplished, review how we ended the year, and decide where we want to go. It’s a revivifying time, enabling us to reset and begin anew. One way to jumpstart the process is to make a New Year’s resolution.

Research shows that “while as many as 45 percent of Americans say they usually make New Year’s resolutions, only 8 percent are successful in achieving their goals.” www.history.com

Very few follow through with their resolutions. The following shows what typically happens:

75% of people make it past the first week.

71% make it past 2 weeks.

64% make it past 1 month.

46% make it past 6 months.

By the end of the year, only 8% of people have kept their resolution.

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Guess Where These Success Secrets Came From

You will never guess where these success secrets came from. In the early 2000’s I was fortunate to discover network marketing. Little did I know that the MLM (multi-level-marketing) industry would teach me how to start, run, and succeed in my own business.

Secrets Came From

This is an unknown benefit of network marketing. Outsiders only see the product or service provided. There is more to what happens when representatives gather.

Also known as direct sales, the latest figures show the industry did $35.4 billion in retail sales for 2018. According to Direct Selling.org, there are over 6.2 million representatives in the U.S.

Where My Success Was

The company I represented dealt with travel. It was a perfect fit since I love traveling. They have one of the best training programs to teach what’s needed to run a business. Accordingly, I learned much more than how to travel like a king at a pauper’s price.

One of the skills I mastered was how to approach people without fear. I can walk up to anyone and start a conversation. This helped me conquer something I dreaded doing.

Another ability I acquired was how to run a business. Network marketing is not about getting rich quick. It’s about building your business equipped with tools to react quickly, handle problems, set your goals, and stay on target. I gained wisdom and confidence that’s needed to be successful.

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Tick Tock, You are on the Clock

Working With Commission Salespeople

The amount of time you spend with a commission salesperson determines their pay rate.

When working with commission salespeople, time is a valuable commodity. Tick Tock, you are on the clock. Once they approach you a clock is ticking. Let’s see how time works for you and the salesman.

A commission salesperson is paid a percentage of the sales they make. The more sales the more money the employee receives. Commission based salaries are either paid totally off what the salesperson sold or may have a base salary plus commission. Even with a base salary, their sales make up most of what they are paid.

Therefore, what you do while working with these employees makes them money or creates their doom. Most people look at the process as the salesperson works for them. This frame of mind hampers the ability of the employee to help you, which in turn makes it difficult for you to get what you want.

Salespeople are there to help you. They want to find what you came there for in the timeliest, friendly way they can. The salesperson is sensitive to your time and you should be sensitive to theirs. It comes down to Time. Continue reading “Tick Tock, You are on the Clock”

HOMO DEUS – A Brief History of Tomorrow

“For the first time in history, more people die today from eating too much than from eating too little; more people die from old age than from infectious diseases; and more people commit suicide than are killed by soldiers, terrorists, and criminals combined.” “The average human is far more likely to die from bingeing at McDonald’s than from drought, Ebola or an al-Qaeda attack.”
     Yuval Noah Harari, book Homo Deus; A Brief History of Tomorrow, 2017

What was that? It can’t be right!  Yet in the last few decades, we have been able to move closer to managing famine, plagues, and war. We haven’t overcome them, but we have significantly decreased their effect on us. If we do solve these, what will we work on next? That is the topic of the book “Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow” by Yuval Noah Harari, a Ph.D. of history from the University of Oxford.

What about immortality? If we can overcome the big three; hunger, disease, premature death, aren’t we trying to extend life? If the right to life is humanity’s most fundamental value, death would violate that right. Death would be a crime against humanity.

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Sexual Harassment Has Two Sides

Sexual harassment at work is a huge topic right now. The outcry of women fills the news even more than the bashing of President Trump. Women are screaming about men inappropriately touching, speaking, or wanting sexual activity from them.  This is not a new issue; it’s one that has come to the forefront.

A lot of women who are employed outside the home have been sexually harassed at work.  Whether he’s her boss or someone she works alongside, women deal with uncomfortable and sleazy advances.  It happens in every industry. Undoubtedly, the thought of losing her job crosses her mind.

When the advances come from a boss, women have to think what it will do to her career. Will she get passed over for a promotion, receive a poor review, or lose her job. Advances from a co-worker cause a woman to worry that others will hear about it, ruining her reputation, or separating her from the team.

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