Guess Where These Success Secrets Came From

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You will never guess where these success secrets came from. In the early 2000’s I was fortunate to discover network marketing. Little did I know that the MLM (multi-level-marketing) industry would teach me how to start, run, and succeed in my own business.

Secrets Came From

This is an unknown benefit of network marketing. Outsiders only see the product or service provided. There is more to what happens when representatives gather.

Also known as direct sales, the latest figures show the industry did $35.4 billion in retail sales for 2018. According to Direct, there are over 6.2 million representatives in the U.S.

Where My Success Was

The company I represented dealt with travel. It was a perfect fit since I love traveling. They have one of the best training programs to teach what’s needed to run a business. Accordingly, I learned much more than how to travel like a king at a pauper’s price.

One of the skills I mastered was how to approach people without fear. I can walk up to anyone and start a conversation. This helped me conquer something I dreaded doing.

Another ability I acquired was how to run a business. Network marketing is not about getting rich quick. It’s about building your business equipped with tools to react quickly, handle problems, set your goals, and stay on target. I gained wisdom and confidence that’s needed to be successful.

Where The Secrets Are

Then there are the people. When you join a network marketing group you join a team. At your disposal are experts in the field who have gone on to create their own companies. They work alongside you, help you realize your dreams, whether it is starting a brick and mortar store, be a professional speaker, teacher, or whatever your dream.

My dream was to write a book and become a professional writer and speaker. Being surrounded by creative people activated my creative juices, flowing with a never-ending source of ideas.

These Success Secrets

In direct sales, the focus is to help each other. It’s the polar opposite from corporate America where clawing and crawling over others gets you to the top. Success comes not by putting others down; it’s by building people up.

Network Marketing knows working together is crucial, and that perspective allows everyone to grow. It’s this mindset that provided the tools I needed for myself and my business.

Success Played Out

The MLM I was involved in is worldwide. What is interesting to watch is how other countries do network marketing. Two of the successful countries are Hong Kong and Greece.

As they work direct sales they don’t have the same work mentality as the U.S. in that they don’t function with cut-throat actions.  They have a teamwork sense, knowing that collectively they will achieve their goals. This understanding has made network marketing a success in their countries.

Why doesn’t the U.S. operate this way! It’s hard to teach old dogs’ new tricks, but change can happen. It takes acknowledging there is a problem with the way corporate America operates today.

Secret Skills

Network marketing educates leaders and employees that working together creates more business and improves work skills. Employees are open to achieving more. No longer will bad tactics like cheating, lying, and condemning others function in companies. Employees realize that working together is more rewarding for them financially.

As far as joining a network marketing company, there are two essentials you should consider. Number One: find a product or service you love, love, love. You must believe in what you represent.

Number Two: Make sure the company has an excellent training program where you are able to learn success skills. It’s about obtaining the knowledge that will help you in any area of your life; all while making a little extra money.

Guess What Happened

Network marketing allowed me to work on myself, which led to my book. Since then I discovered my love of writing and words, and I have built my expertise around that.

What is it you want to accomplish and what skills do you need to get there? Being part of a direct marketing company, where building each other up and working together is the backbone of the organization, makes it possible to achieve your wildest dreams. Now you know where these success secrets came from.

Author: DanaLynnPope

Writer, Thinker, Author, Speaker, Philologist, Researcher, Proofreader. All things words, I'm crazy about definitions, how words are used, and the original English language.

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