I Kept My New Year’s Resolution

How I Kept My Resolution

It’s that time to make a New Year’s resolution again! The dawn of a new year brings about the desire to start fresh, begin again, and bring about changes in our lives. At the onset, we reflect on what we accomplished, review how we ended the year, and decide where we want to go. It’s a revivifying time, enabling us to reset and begin anew. One way to jumpstart the process is to make a New Year’s resolution.

Research shows that “while as many as 45 percent of Americans say they usually make New Year’s resolutions, only 8 percent are successful in achieving their goals.” www.history.com

Very few follow through with their resolutions. The following shows what typically happens:

75% of people make it past the first week.

71% make it past 2 weeks.

64% make it past 1 month.

46% make it past 6 months.

By the end of the year, only 8% of people have kept their resolution.

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