You are the Reason Your Most Essential Team Fails

A team is defined as several persons associated with some joint action. You drive on roads and highways with other vehicles. Driving is the joint action you have in common with other motorists, which creates a team. The team’s purpose is to arrive at their destination, traversing safely through road traffic until reaching the target. This is your most essential team, and you are the reason your team is failing.

Unfortunately, some of your group is focused only on themselves. Their goal is to arrive where they want, not taking into consideration the team. They swerve between cars, tailgate the vehicle in front of them, and slow traffic by driving in the left-hand lane even though cars are trying to pass. Conversely, colleagues become frustrated when they can’t pass, forcing teammates to step on their brakes.

Someone stepping on their brake signals they are reducing speed. Causes for that action are approaching an intersection, a slower vehicle, and of course, the motorist that just cut in front of him. The car behind, seeing the brake light come on instinctively presses on his brake. Consequently, this starts a chain reaction with other vehicles observing the brake lights. The name for this is Phantom Traffic Jam.

A Mysterious Phenomenon

Mysterious Phenomenon The mysterious phenomenon occurs when traffic is backed up. Upon reaching the spot where the traffic lets up, mysteriously, there is nothing there. The phenomenon developed from the car that originally stepped on its brake. The distance the lead car broke the speed determines how far back it affects cars behind it. In other words, the longer the brake is depressed the farther back it will disrupt cars.

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I Kept My New Year’s Resolution

How I Kept My Resolution

It’s that time to make a New Year’s resolution again! The dawn of a new year brings about the desire to start fresh, begin again, and bring about changes in our lives. At the onset, we reflect on what we accomplished, review how we ended the year, and decide where we want to go. It’s a revivifying time, enabling us to reset and begin anew. One way to jumpstart the process is to make a New Year’s resolution.

Research shows that “while as many as 45 percent of Americans say they usually make New Year’s resolutions, only 8 percent are successful in achieving their goals.”

Very few follow through with their resolutions. The following shows what typically happens:

75% of people make it past the first week.

71% make it past 2 weeks.

64% make it past 1 month.

46% make it past 6 months.

By the end of the year, only 8% of people have kept their resolution.

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Guess Where These Success Secrets Came From

You will never guess where these success secrets came from. In the early 2000’s I was fortunate to discover network marketing. Little did I know that the MLM (multi-level-marketing) industry would teach me how to start, run, and succeed in my own business.

Secrets Came From

This is an unknown benefit of network marketing. Outsiders only see the product or service provided. There is more to what happens when representatives gather.

Also known as direct sales, the latest figures show the industry did $35.4 billion in retail sales for 2018. According to Direct, there are over 6.2 million representatives in the U.S.

Where My Success Was

The company I represented dealt with travel. It was a perfect fit since I love traveling. They have one of the best training programs to teach what’s needed to run a business. Accordingly, I learned much more than how to travel like a king at a pauper’s price.

One of the skills I mastered was how to approach people without fear. I can walk up to anyone and start a conversation. This helped me conquer something I dreaded doing.

Another ability I acquired was how to run a business. Network marketing is not about getting rich quick. It’s about building your business equipped with tools to react quickly, handle problems, set your goals, and stay on target. I gained wisdom and confidence that’s needed to be successful.

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The Story of Two Businesses

After being forced to change the design of their businesses, the companies reported dramatic loss of sales and even bankruptcy. Though they did everything right, they still were unable to survive. They had a plan based on a target customer, had the funding and the location they needed. Yet an insignificant population prevented them from succeeding.

Just because you talk the loudest doesn’t mean you are right.

Story #1

We can determine who will be in a movie theater by what the movie is rated. If it is rated G there will be kids present. Rated R and we don’t anticipate kids there.  Continue reading “WHAT IF IT HAPPENS TO YOUR COMPANY”

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