Are you Telling me This is About Washing our Hands

Ok, one more. I know I wasn’t going to write one article about the coronavirus and here comes my second one. I must since I’m perplexed as I watch the news. Everywhere we hear, wash our hands, cough into our sleeves, and don’t touch our faces in public. That’s peculiar, are you telling me that people are not ordinarily washing their hands?

Washing Our Hands

I’ve seen it in public restrooms, women leaving a stall and walk right out of the bathroom. Really! In the back of my mind, I imagined men might not be cleaning their hands. Shockingly, these are women and I’m not talking about kids. Children love to play in the sink so they are apt to clean their little fingers. I’m talking about women; grown-up, childbearing age, grandmother aged women. This is incomprehensible.

What happened between being a kid when our mothers reminded us to wash our hands to becoming an adult and believe that it’s not necessary anymore.

I remember when men used a handkerchief to blow their nose in. I always thought that was gross since they didn’t run to the bathroom to wash their hands, and some poor woman would pick up that square and throw it in the washing machine. Today, our habits are worse.

The CDC Telling Us

The CDC states that only 31 percent of men and 65 percent of women wash their hands after using the bathroom. CDC Statistics

According to the Bradley Corporation, “while 92 percent of Americans say they believe it’s important to wash their hands after using the restroom, only 66 percent actually do.” As for disinfecting with soap, “Almost 70 percent admitted to skipping that step of the hygienic process.” These are Americans, not a country that doesn’t have running water. HuffPost Article.

Surprisingly, there is National Hand Washing day on June 15th and Global Hand Washing Day is October 15th. Is there a need to have a day devoted to hand washing to remind us to actually do it!

What This Is About

It’s normal to wash our hands often, sneeze and cough into our sleeves and don’t touch our face in public, right? I’ve always done that and I’m hardly ever sick as a result of my hygienic practices. Back in January of this year, I wrote an article about this; What Someone Else’s Sickness Costs You, before Coronavirus came to light, which proves my point. Proper hygiene holds back the spread of viruses, including influenza.

Nevertheless, here we are. The spread and intensity of the coronavirus remind us of how they spread. Whether it’s influenza, a cold, or COVID-19, all transmit from one person to another. A practice as simple as cleaning hands with soap and water can combat the spread.

So I wonder, are you telling me we are here today with coronavirus due to not washing our hands?

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