You are the Reason Your Most Essential Team Fails

Your teammates are causing you and the team to fail unless you fix it.

A team is defined as several persons associated with some joint action. You drive on roads and highways with other vehicles. Driving is the joint action you have in common with other motorists, which creates a team. The team’s purpose is to arrive at their destination, traversing safely through road traffic until reaching the target. This is your most essential team, and you are the reason your team is failing.

Unfortunately, some of your group is focused only on themselves. Their goal is to arrive where they want, not taking into consideration the team. They swerve between cars, tailgate the vehicle in front of them, and slow traffic by driving in the left-hand lane even though cars are trying to pass. Conversely, colleagues become frustrated when they can’t pass, forcing teammates to step on their brakes.

Someone stepping on their brake signals they are reducing speed. Causes for that action are approaching an intersection, a slower vehicle, and of course, the motorist that just cut in front of him. The car behind, seeing the brake light come on instinctively presses on his brake. Consequently, this starts a chain reaction with other vehicles observing the brake lights. The name for this is Phantom Traffic Jam.

A Mysterious Phenomenon

Mysterious Phenomenon The mysterious phenomenon occurs when traffic is backed up. Upon reaching the spot where the traffic lets up, mysteriously, there is nothing there. The phenomenon developed from the car that originally stepped on its brake. The distance the lead car broke the speed determines how far back it affects cars behind it. In other words, the longer the brake is depressed the farther back it will disrupt cars.

There are a couple of reasons the lead car had to hit its brakes. It might be necessary to avoid the vehicle that cut in front of him, or he didn’t have enough space between himself and the car to his front. Following too closely causes the need to step on the brake, creating the backflow. As the traffic slows ahead, more space between cars will allow the driver to take his foot off the accelerator to slow down without necessarily stepping on his brake. Thus, the vehicles behind will follow suit and reduce speed without braking.

Team Essentials

Back away from the vehicle in front of you, creating greater space so that when a car does cut in it will not interrupt your speed. Reducing the number of times brake lights illume will create a steady flow that you and your team will benefit from. Smooth travel leads to safer driving. Believe it or not, tailgating is a ticket-able offense.  

Moreover, a team should allow their partners to proceed. Stop being annoyed when someone wants to pass, just let them. They are on your team and have the same goal; arrive at their destination posthaste, not hamper their allies’ advance. Here’s an idea: when they pass, increase your speed and fall in behind them. If there is a speed trap ahead, your colleague will get busted, not you. If that driver wants to travel at a faster pace, take advantage of it. (Surely, I jest?)

Why Your Team Fails

Now let’s look at the biggest reason your most essential team is failing; driving in the wrong lane. The following is from the “Uniform Vehicle Code; Driving on the Right Side of Roadway.” (It happens to be Texas’ code, yet other states read similar to this.)

The code explains: a driver on a roadway shall drive on the right half of the roadway unless the operator is passing another vehicle, there is a hazard, or vehicles have pulled to a stop on the right-hand edge of the roadway. That explains when it becomes necessary to leave the right lane. The next part of the code is where teams break down.

An operator of a vehicle on a roadway moving slower than the normal speed of other vehicles at the time and place under the existing conditions shall drive in the right-hand lane, or as close as practical to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, unless the operator is:

(1)  passing another vehicle; or

(2)  preparing for a left turn at an intersection or onto a private road or driveway.

The code goes on to state; “This law refers to the “normal” speed of traffic, not the “legal” speed of traffic. The 60 MPH driver in a 55 MPH zone where everybody else is going 65 MPH must move right.” Statutes of the State of Texas

Left-Lane Driver Teammates

Let’s unpack this. A motorist moving slower than the speed of other vehicles is to drive in the right-hand lane. Slower traffic is to yield to the faster traffic by getting out of the left lane. Vehicles not passing anyone on their right start to back up traffic. A driver approaches the slow vehicle, so he passes on the right, reaches a slow driver in the right lane, and gets trapped between the left and right lane drivers.

Another car comes along trying to pass the slow car in the left-hand lane and gets stuck behind it. As a result, more cars become backed up. All at the fault of the left-lane driver who is driving slower than the vehicles around and doesn’t shift to the right lane, allowing them to pass. Then, when in the right lane you encounter a car moving slower, maneuver safely around them on the left, and continue back to the right lane. This is a reason your most essential team is failing. Change it by working as a team.

I know some of you are saying, that’s a hassle. Do you know what that is called? Driving. The definition of driving is, “to guide the movement of a vehicle; to go or travel in a vehicle.” It involves moving the wheel, using turn signals, being aware of what is around you, and changing lanes. If you are not doing these actions you are not driving; making you more to be the cause of an accident and disruption of traffic flow.

The Meat of the Uniform Vehicle Code

The next part of the Uniform Vehicle Code is extremely interesting: “This law refers to the “normal” speed of traffic, not the “legal” speed of traffic. The 60 MPH driver in a 55 MPH zone where everybody else is going 65 MPH must move right.” It doesn’t matter what speed you are going, if vehicles are moving faster than you the code states you are to pull over to the right. Transfer out of the left lane(s) to the right lane, and let others continue. This one change alone will transform how much time you and your teammates use to arrive at their destinations. It takes a joint action of the team to make this work. My preference is, if you aren’t even going the speed limit on an open road, don’t leave the right lane. We collaborate to keep traffic moving.

Admittedly, when I drive my speed is “move out of the way,” which means I’ll be passing you on your left. The times when the left-hand lane driver doesn’t pull over, I pass on the right and usually wave at them. I like to let my teammates know that despite them I am making my way. (Believe it or not, passing on the right is legal; it’s just more dangerous.)

Team Insight From Failing

The team you are on drives and your meetings are held on the roadways. Everyone longs to achieve the same goal; arrive at their destination quickly and safely. The plan should be a coordinated effort on the part of everyone, all drivers, for a joint coalition to allow the group to work smoothly. One person not willing to follow the plan will be the reason your most essential team fails. Each accident delays you and no one likes being in meetings longer than necessary. Reaching the team’s goal involves the realization that we are colleagues, acting in the interest of a common cause. Consequently, the result will be everyone getting to their destination quicker.

Achieving the goal is possible, as long as the team works together instead of working to their individual advantage. Traffic jams are a problem we can all solve. Will the team succeed and reach its goal, or will it keep failing? That depends on YOU.

Author: DanaLynnPope

Writer, Thinker, Author, Speaker, Philologist, Researcher, Proofreader. All things words, I'm crazy about definitions, how words are used, and the original English language.

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